Doctor, I am working in Africa and visit my wife once in 6 months. She is not getting orgasm. I also do not last long. During my days in Africa as I was alone, I use to see porn sites and masturbate regularly. I consulted a doctor here he advised me to take Procomil 5mg tablet. In addition, another sexologist advised me to take andriol and vigrx for 6 months daily. I have not started this because I don’t get this here.

Long gape between intercourse and regular masturbation under erotic influence (like pornography in your case) may lead to early ejaculation. I do not think drug prescribed to you will make any difference, as this problem is not related to hormone (Andriol is hormone). You should try Kegel’s exercise. (you may search Kegel’s exercise in search box).
Medicines like Fluoxetine and Clomipramine can also help.