Dear Hansal, I read your suggestions, which I definitely agree with you. I am female, 24 Yrs, residing in Mumbai. My marriage is fixed as love-cum-Arrange. Though my partner is good in understanding, but my in-laws are not so. They are very very orthodox and conservative. My partner is typically a mama\’s boy. So he doesn\’t understand my thoughts and problems. He remains away from all his responsibilities towards me. All his family and personal issue I came to know since I got interacted with his family i.e. during our engagement. We are sharing approx.5 yrs relationship. As usual before engagement he was nice to me. But as soon as his mother came into picture, he takes and asks for her decision which is final and ignores mine. I spoke to his mother, but of no use coz she doesn\’t speak face to face and straight forward. She will ask other person, who will come to our place and discuss marriage affairs. She is not ready to call us and tell her thoughts. She is very much arrogant and proud. Can you please suggest any solution for it. Marriage mostly would be next year. However, if it happens for everytime, then its better for me to take decision beforehand. We didn\’t have any physical relationship, so I am not in guilt of anything. Please suggest how to handle this situation.

I do not know how you will take this but never ever think that he will change after marriage. If you feel that he is mama’s boy and if you cannot stand to this, get out of this relationship. It may be painful today but better for tomorrow.